Dr. Pooja Vihariya*, Dr. Shilpa Donga, Dr. Neha Pandya, Prof. L. P. dei
Introduction: Vandhyatva (Infertility) has been long standing problem since ancient period. Infertility is increasing now-a-days. Many herbal and herbo-mineral formulations are mentioned as a treatment of Infertility in the ancient texts, but they are not categorized according to the responsible factor like Ritu, Kshetra, Ambu and Beeja. It is the need of time to evaluate the efficacy of formulations in respect to various factors of infertility. Aim: To collect the broad data regarding cervical factor in Infertility from various reaserches. Materials: Total 5 works had been carried out at IPGT and RA, Gujarat Ayurveda University, Jamnagar, Gujarat. All had Uttarbasti as treatment with diffrent Ghritas. Among them 4 were on Phala Ghrita and other were on Ashwagandha Ghrita, Shatavari Ghrita and Go-Ghrita. Post coital test and USG were selected for the diagnosis and for evaluation of efficacy of therapy on cervical factor. Sim?s hunter and Moghissi? cervical mucus Test and Post coital test were selected for the diagnosis and for evaluation of efficacy of therapy on cervical factor. Method: Hand search. Disscussion: The B.T.and A.T.values were compared for final conclusion.All the scholar had concluded that: Lipsa Pandya (1997)concluded in 11 patients that combine therapy of Phala ghrita Uttarbasti and Oral Garbhaprada vati is more effective. Neha Pandya (1999) concluded in 13 patients that Phala ghrita is more effective as oral then Uttarbasti. Jasmin Dave (2000) concluded in 12 patients that combine therapy of Phala ghrita Uttarbasti and Prajasthapan Yoga is more effective. Parikh P M (2001) concluded in 14 patients Ashvagandha ghrita is more effective then Phala ghrita as oral and Uttarbasti. Chetana(2008) in 14 patients concluded that Shtavari ghrita is more effective than Go-ghrita as Uttarbasti. Conclusion: All works were targeted on Uttarbasti due to its best effect on Vandhyatva. The all Ghrita has Garbhasthapaka property. Ruksha Guna of Vata and Ushna and Tikshna Guna of Pitta are the causes of Cervical factor. Bruhana, Agnivardhaka, Vat Anulomana is the base of cervical factor treatment.
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