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Dr. Vinushree M. K. S.* and Dr. Venkatakrishna K. V.


Introduction: Ashtanga Yoga includes eight principles that aid the path of spiritual enlightenment. Each of the principles facilitates Chittavritti Nirodha ultimately leading to a state of Moksha. Among them, Yama and Niyama are the set of guidelines about right and wrong deeds. They improve the Satwa and facilitate control over the senses in turn preventing intellectual errors. As Asaatmendriyartha Samyoga, Prajnaparadha, and Parinama are the three reasons for the appearance of any disease, practicing Yama & Niyama can prevent diseases. Ayurveda propounds Karmaja Vyadhi, Adi-daivika Vyadhi(the diseases caused due to invisible factors) that include Graha roga, Mano roga, also somatic diseases like Kushta, Arshas, Kilasa, Udara, etc. are mostly due to sinful deeds. They are linked to psychiatric, idiopathic, and infectious diseases presently. Their primary treatment is Adravyabhoota chikitsa(Mantra, Mani, Mangala dharana, etc.,) to improve Satwa. Methods: An in-depth literature review was done in classic texts and peer-reviewed journals on sites like PUBMED, and Google Scholar. All the data were gathered and analyzed to find a link between Graha-roga and Ashtanga Yoga. Results: Yama is the guideline that prohibits non-righteous actions, preventing Prajnaparadha and Adharma. Niyama must be imbibed in a person to maintain the purity of mind, body, and soul. They have therapeutic and preventative applications besides spiritual ones. Yama as a Proscriptive and Niyama as a Prescriptive principle has the potential to enhance an individual’s Satwa which could further improve control over the sense organs. Conclusion: Utilizing Yoga principles in treatment is a novel, easy, and cost-effective way to treat psychological, psychosomatic and diseases manifested due to Karma. It opens up new avenues to integrate Yoga with Ayurveda, and contemporary medical science.

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