Dr. Maruti S. Darade*
The gymnosperms are naked seed producing plants grow in temperate, tropical and subtropical climate. They are grouped into different orders, families, genera and species. The genera are also called as members of the group. The orders of gymnosperms are Cycadales, Coniferales, Ginkgoales and Gnetales .The medicines are used in the treatment of various human ailments and diseases .The extract prepared from the seeds of Dioon edule is used in the treatment of neuralgia. The stem of Cycas pectinata is used in the treatment of hair roots.The ulcerated wounds are treated with Cycas circinalis. The pollen grains of Cycas rumphii are used to relieve pain and diminishes distress.The paste of Cycas seeds is used in the treatment of wounds, swellings, boils and skin diseases .The juice of young leaves of Cycas revoluta is used to control blood vomiting. The leaves, roots, seeds, stems and tubers of Stangeria eriopus are used as purgatives.The members of Coniferales include Taxus, Cupressus, Picea, Pinus, Cedrus, Araucaria etc. These members are also used in the preparation of valuable medicines .The Ginkgo biloba a members of order Ginkgoales is medicinally useful to cure human diseases The leaves of Ginkgo biloba contains ginkgolides, bilobalides, flavonol glycosides and alkylphenols.The leaf extract is used in preparation of variety of medicines The order Gnetales constitute of genera such as Ephedra, Gnetum and Welwitschia These members are used in preparation of medicines.The Glycosides, Polyphenols, Alkaloids, polyphenols, Flavonoids, Stilbenes and Tannins are important phytochemicals found in gymnosperms .The phytochemicals are potentially used in synthesis of drugs. The phytochemicals are basis for their use in modern medicines.The phytochemicals are obtained from the bark, leaves, seeds and reproductive cones. The plant extraxct can be made with the help of different methods such as Soxhlet extraction, Percolation, Maceration, Ultrasound-assisted extraction etc. The plant extract of gymnosperms can be used against the inflammation, arthritis, bowel disease, cancer, heart disease and even stroke.The medicines prepared from leaf extract can be used to improve blood circulation. It also helps to improve health of heart. It reduces symptoms of psychiatric disorders and dementia. The medicines prepared from gymnospermic members are used to treat anxiety, stress, Alzheimer’s disease and cognitive decline related to aging of a patient. The medicines also used in the treatment of depression, headaches, migraines, asthma The medicines are useful to reduce Premenstrual syndrome and treat sexual dysfunction.
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