World Journal of
Pharmaceutical and Life Sciences

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J. T. Ambhore, R. B. Desai* and V. D. Shinde


When an organism is exposed to any toxic agent, some changes occur in the behaviour which can be observed externally. These behavioural changes may be co-related to the changes occurring in the nervous system, as different behavioural responses are sub-served wholly or partly be the different neural circuits which are distributed in the nervous system. Behaviour includes all those process by which an animal senses the external world and internal state of its body, and responds to changes which it perceives. Many of such processes will take place inside the nervous system and may not be directly observed but reflected through the behaviour of the animal. When a toxic compound is administered, some changes occur from the normal behaviour, and they can be observed externally. These behavioural changes would be caused by the changes in the nervous system caused directly or through metabolic or physiological activities. It is know that insecticides have profound physiological and biochemical effects on crustaceans, the magnitude of which varies with the concentration and duration of exposure. The behaviour of crab is an index of its physiological status and any change in its behaviour indicates a change in physiological activities and vice-versa. In this work two different type of pesticides like Organochlorine and Organophosphates under stress change the Behavioural activity which is under observation discussed.

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  All Since 2020
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