World Journal of
Pharmaceutical and Life Sciences

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Kazi Usama*, Khan Juber, Patel Fayam, Patel Raihan, Deshmukh Rehan, Dr.G.J.Khan


The aim of the research is to develop Nevirapine tablets by direct compression method by improving solubility using liquidsolid technique. Nevirapine is anti-viral drug, which is used in the prevention and treatment of HIV infections. It belongs to BCS class II drug i.e. Low solubility and high permeability. It has a biological half-life of 45 hours. One of the major problems with this drug is its low solubility in biological fluids, which results into poor bioavailability after oral administration. Here the liquidsolid compacts of Nevirapine were prepared using non volatile solvents like PEG 600 and Tween 8. The drug was dissolved in PEG 600 and Tween 80 for preparing liquid medicaments which is subsequently mixed with carrier and coating material to make free flowing compressible powder then the immediate release tablets were prepared by these liquisolid compacts using different ratios of carrier and coating material. Pre-formulation studies regarding the drug-carrier interaction was carried out by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and differential scanning calorimetry. Nevirapine liquisolid compact were evaluated for bulk density, tapped density, Carr's index, Hausner's ratio and angle of repose. And the formed immediate release tablets of Nevirapine were evaluated for hardness, thickness, friability, drug uniformity, disintegration time, drug content estimation and in vitro dissolution studies. The results shown are increased solubility, increased in cumulative drug release up to 99.6%. The batch F8 was selected as optimised batch and further studies like stability studies and kinetic study.

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