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Dr. Lahange Sandeep Madhukar*, Dr. Sunil Kumar Yadav and Dr. Bhangare Archana Nivrutti


Upanishada are regarded as the beginning of philosophy of Indian mythology. Indubitably, Upanishada have some of the earliest detailed conversation concerning topics of philosophy like the nature of being and the self. The main theme of the Upanishada is that Aatma cannot be realized by ordinary consciousness, when the senses are active and when the mind is unstable, and Buddhi, intelligence, is under the influence of desires, delusion and duality, which interfere with the process of knowing and the discernment of truth and right knowledge. Disagreements have emerged on whether or not the Upanishada themselves really constitute philosophy as well as about what is their status contained by the later Indian philosophical ritual. Most of the Upanishada are either commentary on or are an extension of four Vedas and in most cases constitute Vedanta (the end or an ultimate part of Veda). The characteristics of the Upanishads are their universality and the total absence of any dogmatism. Upanishads elaborate upon highest metaphysical state, beyond which is the realm of Silence. Upanishada are considered as the backbone of Hinduism. The thoughts expressed inside Upanishada cluster forms the core of Indian philosophy. One can find doctrines of Karma (action), Yoga (union), Punarjanma (rebirth), Moksha (liberation), Aatma (soul) and Brahma (super soul), inside these scriptures. This study looks at the main ideas presented by the texts and some of their most important influences on successive philosophical developments in India. The analysis part of this effort momentarily reflects on the concept of Aatma described in different „Upanishada.?

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