World Journal of
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Dr. K. B. Rakholiya* and Dr. K. B. Jadeja


Phytophthora blight of sesame is an economic important disease which, cause severe losses during heavy monsoon. Three years field experiments were conducted for testing of different fungicides for control of sesame phytophthora blight caused by Phytophthora parasitica var. sesame. Lowest disease intensity (19.47%) was recorded in three sprays of ridomil MZ 72%) (Metalaxyl 8%wp + mancozeb 63%wp) at 0.20% followed by fosetyl-Al (0.15%) and mancozeb (0.20%) with 27.36% and 31.58 % disease intensity, respectively. Highest seed yield( 800kg/ha) was recorded in the three sprays of 0.20% ridomil MZ 72%wp, followed by fosetyl-Al (0.15%) and mancozeb (0.20%). Maximum net return was received in mancozeb (Rs.11646/ha) followed by Ridomyl MZ-72 (Rs 9731/ha) and fosatyl-Al (Rs.7926/ha). Phytophthora blight of sesame can be managed effectively and economically with three sprays of ridomil MZ-72 (0.20%) or mancozeb (0.20%) at 15 days interval.

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